Organic Cotton Bedding
Considering we all wrap ourselves up in our covers for up to a third of our lives we think it’s pretty important to know we are not smothering ourselves in nasty chemicals, while at the same time being able to sleep well in the knowledge that all of those involved in making our products have been treated fairly too. For simplicity, style and sheer comfort, it’s tough to beat the feel of cool cotton bedding. Our luxury range of organic cotton bedding is perfectly designed to help you get a better night’s sleep.
100% Fairtrade, Simple. Sustainable & Respectful
Treating everyone fairly from the farmers who pick the cotton to the manufacture workers who perfect every last stitch is the core of who we are and why we’re different. Conventionally grown cotton uses more insecticides and pesticides than any other crop in the world, using about 16% of the world's pesticides. All lovingly made using the very finest Organic cotton for the ultimate comfort, durability, breathability and washability. But most importantly all our organic cotton is environmentally sensitive. Conventional cotton growing uses more chemical pesticides and fertilizers than any other crop in the world! We want to make a difference.