Large Emperor Pillow Protectors

Large Emperor Pillow Protectors


      Large Emperor Pillow Protectors

      Protect your large emperor pillows without compromising on comfort. Pillows have to withstand a lot of wear and tear, so give them the right protection with High Quality Linen Cupboard pillow protectors. Choosing the correct protectors is a vital part of keeping every pillow up to scratch. Preventing bacterial exchange and discolouring can help lower the overheads in any business and a high quality quilted pillow protector will also feel brilliant.

      Our lovely quilted Large Emperor pillow protectors, protect and add an layer of quilted softness to your Large Emperor Pillows 50 x 107cm (20 x 42") for increase comfort and protection. 

      • Protects Against Spillages and Stains
      • Enhances the Life of your King Pillows
      • Gives Increased Comfort
      • Ideal for Allergy Sufferers
      • All Available as PAIRS
      3 products